Strive: attempt, endeavor, aim, venture,make an effort, exert oneself, do one's best, do all one can, do one's utmost, labor, work; informal go all out, give it one's best shot, pull out all the stops.
On Saturday I had the pleasure of seeing a patient that is a 5:21 personal best miler. He is quite driven, and understands that it does not come easy. He loves to run. He is not dreaming of Olympic Gold, he just loves to run. Don't think he is not keen on winning, he is. But his thrill comes from the groove that he is in when he runs. His goal is to run his entire life, he is 12 years old. He strives to be the best he can be at such an early age I asked what motivates him, how did he get it, that it takes effort and purpose, to make things happen? Really? he asked. Why wouldn't you have a goal and work hard to reach it? Why don't you want to be the best at something? Good question...He strives.
Later I was in our every two month Doctor meeting. We meet to educate each other and to strive to provide better, more efficient, more complete eye care. We learned about another discovery in the anti-inflammatory benefits of an Omega 6 Fatty Acid called Borage Oil. We are finding that many patients with certain forms of dry eye syndrome benefit from Omega 3 Fatty Acid intake and in fact there is good evidence that proper intake of Omega3FA is essential in maintaining macular health. It turns out that not everyone can tolerate Omega3FA supplements and may in fact tolerate the Omega6FA from Borage Oil. This is just another example of striving, aiming and working to know more about what we can do for our patients. Good job Dr. Annie Wolff, O.D., she strives.
Good Day,
Dr. Greg